At our last boy scouts meeting we celebrated changes in Leadership roles. Current leading scouts handed down their roles as patrol leaders, while the newer scouts achieved their first accomplishment of earning the Scout rank. Additionally, Tenderfoots were promoted to Second Class rank, mastering the basic skills of scouts. Throughout the celebration, we enjoyed delicious food and treats kindly provided by Mrs. Cha.
– Charlie Ray
Please visit our photo album here:
Some of our Troop 21 scouts and parents met in San Dimas on a beautiful Saturday to spend the night at the Frank Bonelli Regional Park. Scouts cooked up delicious meals towards earning their cooking merit badges. Parents also enjoyed a good times over a spread of wholesome dishes.
Our Troop embarked on a hike this past Sunday Feb 23rd from the Hahamonga Watershed Park near the Jet Propulsion Lab with the mission of locating various items along their path. Although we weren’t able to locate all the items we had a great time together on this beautiful sunny day.
Some pics are available here:
On the long holiday weekend of Jan 18-20, Troop 21 set off for the Mojave Desert to visit Joshua Tree with adventures of rock climbing and backpacking on their minds. Unfortunately, we could not gather enough scouts for a rock climbing tour, but we made the best of the situation and extensively explored the surrounding rocks of our campsite throughout our two nights there. Some of the older scouts along with three adult leaders set off on the second night for the backcountry to spend a night in the wilderness after a strenous 5 mile uphill hike from our Indian Cove trailhead. Meanwhile, the remaining scouts embarked on a night hike, practicing their night vision/navigation skills. Scouts worked hard through the cold weather preparing lashings for the camp gadgets, cooking excellent meals such as pasta, burgers, sandwiches, and hearty American breakfasts. Here is a photo album of some moments there:
the December court of honor was a blast to end the 2024 scouting year. Many people earned merit badges, special awards and ranked up. We also had an amazing Troop 21 community pot luck where everyone brought something. There were egg rolls, fried chicken, pizza and split pea soup. Also sherbet ice cream, brownies and other goodies. There was also a troop 21 gift exchange. Please visit our Google album to view pics from the event:
For the Holiday toy drive a group of troop 21 scouts assisted the Salvation Army members in a toy drive for low income families. We sorted the donated toys into different sections for age groups and category of toys so families could choose gifts for their children and spread the joy.
During Thanksgiving morning a group of scouts from Troop 21 joined up at the Salvation Army to deliver delicious Thanksgiving meals to the elderly. We set up tables and chairs for a Thanksgiving meal for the community.
On Oct 19-20, we went on mile and a half backpacking trip down into our campsite, shaded by large conifer pines and next to a creek. We took a day hike to a large lush green waterfall. At night we played many games of mafia.
On the weekend of Dec 7th-8th. our Troop had the privilege of camping within a few hundred feet of the Visitors entrance to the Palomar Observatory. Although the weather was beautiful with clear skies and warm afternoons, early Saturday evening and Sunday morning was quite brisk (Esther’s thermometer gave a reading of 33 degrees F on Sunday morning!). Scouts arrived just after lunchtime on Saturday and immediately were hard at work gathering mistletoe to provide for the upcoming fundraiser. It was then off to the more technical task of lashing poles together to form our Troop’s two gadgets that would carry our flags. Dinner prep began early at around 4, but thanks to ample lights from Esther’s large stockpile of technology, continued well after dusk. Scouts and parents cooked up delicious, elaborate meals including juicy burgers, fettucini in alfredo sauce, vegan chili, and a large korean dish based on squiggly noodles. On Sunday morning, parents and scouts embarked on a multi-guide led tour of the observatory at 10, learning a great deal about the mind boggling facts of the universe and the tremendous engineering feat of constructing the 200 ft telescope that has stood the test of time since the 1920’s.
To see more images of our experience, please visit the photo album at:
On the evening of September 30, 2024, Troop 21 held its Court of Honor ceremony. That night we honored scouts earning Ranks and Merit Badges, as well as three fellow scouts who earned the rank of Eagle Scout, the highest rank attainable. Such a rank requires leadership, giving back to your community, and advanced knowledge of scouting. Our three Eagle Scouts, Anton Potts, Daniel Shopbell and James Shopbell, were all required to complete an eagle project. Anton fixed up and built benches for the Arroyo Seco fly fishing pond. Daniel loves band and decided to clean up the Marshall Fundamental School band room that had become a dumping ground during covid. James had a passion for band, and also cleaned up the band room on August 9 and 10, 2024, following renovations. Many of our scouts ranked up, were awarded badges, and enjoyed the ice cream bar that followed the ceremony.
We kicked off the new school year with our first camping trip to one of our favorite spots, Bandido Camp in the Angeles Crest National Forest just an hour from Pasadena. WIth SPL Gus and ASPL Wyatt leading the way, the campers, including several first-timers, built elaborate gadgets with only poles and rope.
Even though restrictions prevented the troop from making a fire or using cooking stoves, the scouts improvised a “campfire” program and got creative with meals, and had a blast playing capture the flag, tug o’ war, and flashlight tag.
Please visit the shared album below to view our collection of pictures from this camping trip.
Appropriately enough, Daniel and James Shopbell became Eagle Scouts on the same evening, Sept. 25, following successful completion of their respective Boards of Review. This achievement culminates years of service to Troop 21 and the greater Pasadena community. Both Daniel and James served in multiple leadership positions, including SPL, and took part in T21’s high adventure program, completing a Philmont trek and the recent Sierra backpacking trip. For his Eagle project, Daniel renovated and reorganized band rooms at Marshall High School; meanwhile, James led a project benefiting AYSO involving a creative solution to helping volunteers set up the soccer fields more efficiently. Congratulations!