Pasadena, California
the December court of honor was a blast to end the 2024 scouting year. Many people earned merit badges, special awards and ranked up. We also had an amazing Troop 21 community pot luck where everyone brought something. There were egg rolls, fried chicken,…
For the Holiday toy drive a group of troop 21 scouts assisted the Salvation Army members in a toy drive for low income families. We sorted the donated toys into different sections for age groups and category of toys so families could choose gifts…
During Thanksgiving morning a group of scouts from Troop 21 joined up at the Salvation Army to deliver delicious Thanksgiving meals to the elderly. We set up tables and chairs for a Thanksgiving meal for the community.
On Oct 19-20, we went on mile and a half backpacking trip down into our campsite, shaded by large conifer pines and next to a creek. We took a day hike to a large lush green waterfall. At night we played many games of…
On the weekend of Dec 7th-8th. our Troop had the privilege of camping within a few hundred feet of the Visitors entrance to the Palomar Observatory. Although the weather was beautiful with clear skies and warm afternoons, early Saturday evening and Sunday morning was…