Pasadena, California
The Automotive Maintenance Merit Badge was hosted by Mr. Galassi. We got to do so many fun activities such as blowing an airbag. Thank you, Mr. Galassi.
Troop 21 had some winter fun at Hubert Eaton Scout Reservation near Lake Arrowhead. Fifteen Scouts attended the “Lost in Space” camp, where we sledded, had snowball fights, hit the archery and rifle ranges, climbed the rock wall, launched rockets, and sledded some more….
Congratulations to Aidan Currer, who officially became Troop 21’s 147th Eagle Scout after he completed his Board of Review on Feb. 4. Here is Aidan and his parents with his Board.
Congratulations to Max Winn for earning his Eagle rank! Max earned Boy Scout’s highest rank on Jan. 28th and became the Troop’s 146th Eagle Scout. Here is Max after completing his Board of Review.
Troop 21 spent the morning at the Salvation Army in Pasadena stuffing food bags for families and setting up the Toy Shop for children. Thank you Mr. Cowing for arranging this excellent service project. Happy holidays!
Nine Scouts and four leaders participated. They started at Cloudburst Summit in the San Gabriel Mountains, near Mt. Waterman, and then took the Pacific Crest Trail to Cooper Canyon Trail Camp. After setting up camp, they hiked to the Cooper Canyon Waterfall. They then…
Congratulations to Luke and Thomas who were awarded their Eagle rank. They now join the long line of Troop 21 Eagle Scouts and we are extremely proud of their achievements. They are an inspiration to all of us in Troop 21 and hopefully many…
A hike to the fire lookout, rock climbing and more – T21 spent a weekend at Shady Cove camp near Big Bear. How’s the view down there?!
This summer T21 scouts spent lots of time camping including at Cherry Valley.
T21 spent a week at Hubert Eaton Scout Reservation near Lake Arrowhead. The scouts earned tons of badges and had a great time.
Up high in the mountains We rock climbed, hiked and made it to the top of the Mt. Keller fire tower.
T21 Scouts rocked the summer of 2017 Troop 21 represented at Camp Cherry Valley, Hubert Eaton Scout Reservation and the National Jamboree.