Pasadena, California
Noah Gutierrez earned Scouting’s highest honor on Nov. 9, becoming T21’s 180th Eagle Scout. For his project, Noah led a group of volunteers in clearing, cleaning and refurbishing the workshop at PazNaz. Way to go, Noah!
Annelise, Marina, and Julian will be representing Troop 21 as part of the Tournament of Roses Troop. The troop is selected from Eagle Scouts from Greater Los Angeles. The troop will lead the opening flag ceremony and carry the banners announcing the award-winning float…
Troop 21’s 179th Eagle Scout is Thaddeus. Along with showing leadership and participating in troop activities, he completed a project for Vecinos de South Pasadena. Congratulations!!!
Marco is one step closer to Eagle after completing his project. With help from the troop and friends he cleaned, organized, and installed shelving in a storage unit at Union Station Homeless Services in Pasadena. Thanks to all who volunteered.
The past weekend marked Troop 21’s first visit to Barton Flats, providing yet another worthwhile opportunity for the scouts. The luscious location graced by a lake made for a beautiful hike and a fun campout. Scouts participated in a variety of activities, from hiking,…
This past Saturday of September the 16th; Troop 21 provided service in the form of Life Scout Noah’s Eagle Scout Project, as they helped clean out Paz-Naz, First Church of the Nazarene’s utilities closet. Having been previously hosted by Paz-Naz, it was nostalgic to…
Two crews, 12 Scouts and 5 adults, completed a week-long epic trek at BSA’s most famous high-adventure base – Philmont. Each crew completed more than 50 miles through the Rocky Mountains of New Mexico while enjoying activities like panning for gold, horseback riding, shooting,…
Troop 21 welcomed its 178th Eagle Scout on August 24 when Liam Wright successfully completed his Board of Review. Liam’s project involved creating and documenting a time capsule for the Pasadena Jewish Temple and Center. Great work, Liam!
The scouts had a blast at Kern River Rafting. Scouts went on a three day trip and two nights rafting adventure. Thanks to the Kern River Rafting crew for helping our scouts have an amazing trip.
This years Camporee was held at Camp Trask where the scouts had a fun time competing against other troops in scouting events. Some of the events included flag signaling, making a flag pole, knot tying, and rescuing fellow scouts.
Thanks to Jeff Rich of Carnegie Observatories who came to a Monday meeting to talk about astronomy and the night sky. Scouts enjoyed the inflatable planetarium.
T21 spent President’s weekend at Red Rock Canyon hiking, camping and stargazing.