Ben Cronin Earns Eagle

Benjamin Cronin joined the ranks of Eagle on July 9, 2020. His Eagle Board of Review showed how strong the Troop 21 family is with Eagle Nathan Leong returning to serve on the Board. Ben’s project was to refurbish the miniature train at Travel…

Ian Wang joins the Eagle’s Nest

Ian Wang became Troop 21’s latest Eagle Scout on June 29. Ian’s project, which he managed to finish before the coronavirus shutdown, was the renovation of the track team’s storage facility at South Pasadena High School. Ian completed his Eagle Board of Review via…

Merit Badge Mondays

Even though our meetings are virtual, Troop 21 continued with its summertime tradition of Merit Badge Mondays. This year’s offerings included Game Design, Digital Technology, Genealogy, Photography, Pets, Mammal Study and Chemistry. Chemistry was led by our recent Eagle Scout Nico Symons-Galassi, who will…

Summer Camp Goes Virtual

Troop 21 was all set for adventure, with trips planned to Philmont, Cherry Valley, Camp Big Horn and the Sierras between May and August. Thanks to the Coronavirus, all those were canceled. But it wasn’t a completely bummer summer. In addition to attending virtual…

Kevin Young is our newest Eagle

Troop 21 Scout Kevin Young had the troop’s very first virtual Eagle Board of Review on June 25, which included former T21 Scoutmaster Dwight Equitz. Kevin is the 160th Eagle for Troop 21. His Eagle Scout project was landscaping the front of Webster Elementary…

New T21 Leadership

Congratulations to our new Senior Patrol Leader, Joseph Sitzman, and Assistant Senior Patrol Leader, Noah Gutierrez. The troop would like to thank our previous SPL, Zacky Culver, and ASPL, Lucas Errico, for their leadership. The Patrols will be led by: Challenge Accepted PL: Ian…

May the 4th be with us

For our meeting on May 4, aka Star Wars Day, Troop 21 ditched their uniforms and came dressed as their favorite Star Wars characters for an epic Zoom geek-out.

A T21 Addition to Travel Town

Ben Cronin is working on becoming an Eagle Scout. His project was to rebuild an outdoor model train track at the Travel Town Train Museum. The original track was run down and in disrepair, so he decided to rebuild the track to be more…

Congratulations, Maxwell Johnson!

From a Bear to an Eagle: Congratulations to Maxwell Johnson for reaching the rank of Eagle Scout! Every scout’s journey is unique and we hope yours was filled with many fun memories.

Congratulations to Nico Symons-Galassi

Nico Symons-Galassi became an Eagle Scout on March 9, 2020. He is the first Eagle in Troop 21 with both a brother AND a sister in the troop, and both his parents happen to be merit badge counselors and ASMs. For his Eagle project,…

T21 Takes First Place at Winter Camp

Troop 21 spent Presidents’ weekend at Camp Pollack at Hubert Eaton Scout Reservation in Lake Arrowhead. The Scouts had a great time showing off skills in survival, scouting, archery, shooting, slingshot and so much more. After 2-days and 17 events, Troop 21 came out…

Congratulations to Joshua Gamboa!

Joshua Gamboa passed his Eagle Board on February 3rd and is Troop 21’s 157th Eagle Scout. He continues to be a great mentor to the younger scouts.