Echo Mountain Hike

What an amazing view! A lot of fun was had by all the Scouts who joined in for the annual night hike to the top of Echo Mountain.



Lake Castaic Camping and Canoeing

T21 spent a weekend at Castaic Lake where many worked on the Canoeing Merit Badge. (Some of the Scouts are headed to Northern Tier Camp this summer).

2018 Winter Camp @ Hubert Eaton

We survived the zombie invasion! With an outbreak of a deadly virus at camp, T21 proved it had all the skills to escape, including rifle, archery, first aid, cooking, fire building and rock climbing. We also won first prize for the best skit!

Coyote Canyon Campout

We climbed, camped, and shot bow and arrows in the Mojave Desert. It was a great weekend which we hope to do again.

Shooting Day @ Camp Trask

Troop 21 had a great day. We had the range all to ourselves.



Patrol Challenge @ Shady Cove

Up high in the mountains

We rock climbed, hiked and made it to the top of the Mt. Keller fire tower.


Troop 21 @ Summer Camp 2017

T21 Scouts rocked the summer of 2017

Troop 21 represented at Camp Cherry Valley, Hubert Eaton Scout Reservation and the National Jamboree.

2017 Los Angeles River Clean-up

For the second year in a row, T21 joined in for a very special conservation service project.