Summer Camp at Hubert Eaton Scout Reservation

From July 28 to August 3, Scouts from Troop 21 attended summer camp at Camp Bighorn at Hubert Eaton Scout Reservation in the mountains near Lake Arrowhead. Here is a look at our amazing week by the numbers:

15: Total Scouts who attended Camp Bighorn; 10 from Troop 21B and 5 from Troop 21G.

12: Number of Scouts attending BSA summer camp for the first time.

67: Total merit badges earned by Troop 21 (40 by T21B; 27 by T21G).

3: Death-defying Scouts who completed the COPE high ropes course.

Lucas, Joseph and Theo conquering the COPE course
The coveted Camp Bighorn Oscar

2: Camp “Oscars” earned by T21 for their Moviemaking Merit Badge project; Marina Symons-Galassi was voted Best Actress and the team comprising Marina, Emma Anderson, Annelise Errico, Lucas Errico, Joseph Sitzman and Theodore Sitzman won Best Picture for their epic film, Tingle’s Last Stand.

2: Scouts who earned the Mile Swim BSA Award (Emma Anderson and Timothy Boggs).

2: Honor Troop Awards, one for 21G and one for 21B.

1: Girl who earned the Rifle Shooting Merit Badge. Ginger Sheedy was both the only girl to earn the merit badge at camp all summer and the only girl to qualify for the Marksman Award.

1: Snake that made itself at home in one of our tents (don’t worry, it was just a harmless striped racer!).

It is way more scared of us than we are of it!

1: Snake that needed to be corralled by the camp ranger (that’s one ginormous rattler!).

Great work by all our Scouts. We hope to see even more at camp next year.